San Mateo County MPA Cohort Graduates!

The San Mateo County MPA Cohort completed their degree in December 2010 after 7 semesters of study within the MPA program at San Francisco University.  Eighteen students completed the degree, composed of 39 units and 13 classes.  Specializing in Public Management, the students attended classes at the Juvenile Justice Building in San Mateo County as faculty from San Francisco State commuted to teach their classes.

San Mateo County MPA Cohort at December 2010 "Hooding"
San Mateo County MPA Cohort at December 2010 “Hooding”

The cohort illustrated the interdisciplinary nature of public administration as well as the benefit of on-site cohorts during the San Bruno gas pipeline explosion in September 2010.   As a group, the MPA students in the San Mateo County MPA Cohort here at San Francisco State University were deeply involved in the aftermath and recovery after this event:

After the tragedy, the students were able to debrief about their training and what could be done differently, from the perspectives of their various departments.   And, all of the students were able to take these lessons back to their agencies so that all could learn from this tragedy.

We are also pleased to announce that Michael Perez, a member of the San Mateo County MPA Cohort a Director of the City of Pacifica’s Department of Parks, Beaches and Recreation, has been recognized by the MPA faculty as one of its two Distinguished Students for the 2010-2011.   Congratulations, Michael!